YUI Library Examples: Container Family: Creating a Resizable Panel

Container Family: Creating a Resizable Panel

Operating systems offer windows that can be resized, often by dragging from the lower right-hand corner (and, on Microsoft Windows, from the window edges). This example of the Panel Control implements resizability by creating a subclass which provides a handle for resizing the panel from the lower right-hand corner. Click the button below to show the panel, then use the bottom-right corner to resize it.

ResizePanel #1 from Markup

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse nulla. Fusce mauris massa, rutrum eu, imperdiet ut, placerat at, nunc. Vestibulum consequat ligula ut lacus. Nulla nec pede. Fusce consequat, augue et eleifend ornare, nibh mi dapibus lorem, ut lacinia turpis eros at eros. Proin laoreet. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla velit. Fusce id sem sit amet felis porta mollis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam tortor. Donec dui felis, pretium quis, vulputate et, molestie non, nisi.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse nulla. Fusce mauris massa, rutrum eu, imperdiet ut, placerat at, nunc. Vestibulum consequat ligula ut lacus. Nulla nec pede. Fusce consequat, augue et eleifend ornare, nibh mi dapibus lorem, ut lacinia turpis eros at eros. Proin laoreet. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla velit. Fusce id sem sit amet felis porta mollis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam tortor. Donec dui felis, pretium quis, vulputate et, molestie non, nisi.

Subclassing Panel to Create ResizePanel

In this tutorial, we will build a subclass for Panel called ResizePanel that will allow the Panel to be resized using a draggable handle in the bottom-right corner of the footer.

The first step to subclassing the Panel is writing the constructor for the new subclass (ResizePanel, in this case) and specifying its inheritance from the Panel class using YAHOO.extend:

Next, we will define a few constants for use by the ResizePanel class: "CSS_PANEL_RESIZE", which defines the CSS class to apply to the Panel, and "CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE", the CSS class to apply to the resize handler.

Next, the initialization method for the ResizePanel is defined. The first step the initialization must perform is to call the superclass's init method so that the superclasses can initialize first. After that, take the following steps:

  1. We fire the beforeInitEvent and add the CSS class to the Panel;
  2. We create the element that will serve as the resize handle in the footer;
  3. We make sure that the footer is set to blank text if no footer is specified by render time, since a footer is required in order for the ResizePanel to function properly.
  4. Finally, we subscribe a function onBeforeRender to the Panel's beforeRender event wherein we'll configure the resize handle's Drag and Drop instance (instance of YAHOO.util.DragDrop). The resize is achieved by calculating the difference in position between the handle's start point and end point.

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