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YUI Library Examples: Drag & Drop: Using a Proxy Element

Drag & Drop: Using a Proxy Element

This example demonstrates drag and drop using a proxy element.


Drag and Drop Proxies

The YUI Drag & Drop Utility lets you make HTML elements draggable.

For this example, we will enable drag and drop for the three <div> elements. However, instead of dragging the elements around, a proxy element is created and moved instead. Many implmentations can benefit from the use of the proxy element because it avoids positioning complications that can occur when changing the css styles of the source element. Proxy drags also perform better than dragging the element directly.

Create the demo elements:

Now we create the instances of YAHOO.util.DDProxy, passing the element ids or references for our demo elements.

Configuration for This Example

You can load the necessary JavaScript and CSS for this example from Yahoo's servers. Click here to load the YUI Dependency Configurator with all of this example's dependencies preconfigured.

YUI Logger Output:

Note: You are viewing this example in debug mode with logging enabled. This can significantly slow performance.

Reload with logging
and debugging disabled.

More Drag & Drop Resources:

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