In your view scripts, often it is necessary to perform certain complex functions over and over: e.g., formatting a date, generating form elements, or displaying action links. You can use helper classes to perform these behaviors for you.
A helper is simply a class. Let's say we want a helper named 'fooBar'.
By default, the class is prefixed with 'Zend_View_Helper_'
(you can specify a custom prefix when setting a helper path), and the
last segment of the class name is the helper name; this segment should
be TitleCapped; the full class name is then:
. This class should contain at the
minimum a single method, named after the helper, and camelCased:
![]() |
Note |
Helper names are always camelCased, i.e., they never begin with an uppercase character. |
To use a helper in your view script, call it using
. Behind the scenes,
will load the
class, create an object
instance of it, and call its helperName()
method. The
object instance is persistent within the Zend_View
instance, and is reused for all future calls to
comes with an initial set of helper classes,
most of which relate to form element generation and perform
the appropriate output escaping automatically. In addition, there
are helpers for creating route-based URLs and HTML lists, as well as
declaring variables. The currently shipped helpers include:
Primarily for use when using
, this helper can be used to declare
template variables that may or may not already be set in the
view object, as well as to set default values. Arrays passed as
arguments to the method will be used to set default values;
otherwise, if the variable does not exist, it is set to an empty
formButton($name, $value, $attribs):
Creates an
<input type="button" /> element.
formCheckbox($name, $value, $attribs, $options):
Creates an <input type="checkbox" /> element. The
$options param is an array where the first value is the
"checked" value, and the second is the "unchecked" value (the
defaults are '1' and '0'). If $value matches the "checked"
value, the box will be checked for you.
formFile($name, $value, $attribs):
Creates an
<input type="file" /> element.
formHidden($name, $value, $attribs):
Creates an
<input type="hidden" /> element.
formLabel($name, $value, $attribs):
Creates a
<label> element, setting the for
attribute to
, and the actual label text to
. If disable
is passed in
, nothing will be returned.
formPassword($name, $value, $attribs):
Creates an
<input type="password" /> element.
formRadio($name, $value, $attribs, $options):
Creates a series of <input type="radio" /> elements, one
for each of the $options elements. In the $options array, the
element key is the radio value, and the element value is the
radio label. The $value radio will be preselected for you.
formReset($name, $value, $attribs):
Creates an
<input type="reset" /> element.
formSelect($name, $value, $attribs, $options):
Creates a <select>...</select> block, with one
<option>one for each of the $options elements. In the
$options array, the element key is the option value, and the
element value is the option label. The $value option(s) will be
preselected for you.
formSubmit($name, $value, $attribs):
Creates an
<input type="submit" /> element.
formText($name, $value, $attribs):
Creates an
<input type="text" /> element.
formTextarea($name, $value, $attribs):
Creates a
<textarea>...</textarea> block.
url($urlOptions, $name, $reset):
Creates a URL
string based on a named route. $urlOptions
be an associative array of key/value pairs used by the
particular route.
htmlList($items, $ordered, $attribs):
unordered and ordered lists based on the $items
passed to it. If $items
is a multidimensional
array, a nested list will be built.
Using these in your view scripts is very easy, here is an example. Note that you all you need to do is call them; they will load and instantiate themselves as they are needed.
<?php // inside your view script, $this refers to the Zend_View instance. // // say that you have already assigned a series of select options under // the name $countries as array('us' => 'United States', 'il' => // 'Israel', 'de' => 'Germany'). ?> <form action="action.php" method="post"> <p><label>Your Email: <?php echo $this->formText('email', '', array('size' => 32)) ?> </label></p> <p><label>Your Country: <?php echo $this->formSelect('country', 'us', null, $this->countries) ?> </label></p> <p><label>Would you like to opt in? <?php echo $this->formCheckbox('opt_in', 'yes', null, array('yes', 'no')) ?> </label></p> </form>
The resulting output from the view script will look something like this:
<form action="action.php" method="post"> <p><label>Your Email: <input type="text" name="email" value="" size="32" /> </label></p> <p><label>Your Country: <select name="country"> <option value="us" selected="selected">United States</option> <option value="il">Israel</option> <option value="de">Germany</option> </select> </label></p> <p><label>Would you like to opt in? <input type="hidden" name="opt_in" value="no" /> <input type="checkbox" name="opt_in" value="yes" checked="checked" /> </label></p> </form>
As with view scripts, your controller can specify a stack of paths
for Zend_View
to search for helper classes. By default,
looks in "Zend/View/Helper/*" for helper
classes. You can tell Zend_View
to look in other
locations using the setHelperPath()
methods. Additionally, you can
indicate a class prefix to use for helpers in the path provided, to
allow namespacing your helper classes. By default, if no class
prefix is provided, 'Zend_View_Helper_' is assumed.
<?php $view = new Zend_View(); // Set path to /path/to/more/helpers, with previs 'My_View_Helper' $view->setHelperPath('/path/to/more/helpers', 'My_View_Helper'); ?>
In fact, you can "stack" paths using the
method. As you add paths to the stack,
will look at the most-recently-added path for
the requested helper class. This allows you to add to (or even
override) the initial distribution of helpers with your own custom
<?php $view = new Zend_View(); // Add /path/to/some/helpers with class prefix 'My_View_Helper' $view->addHelperPath('/path/to/some/helpers', 'My_View_Helper); // Add /other/path/to/helpers with class prefix 'Your_View_Helper' $view->addHelperPath('/other/path/to/helpers', 'Your_View_Helper'); // now when you call $this->helperName(), Zend_View will look first for // "/other/path/to/helpers/HelperName.php" using class name "My_View_Helper_HelperName", // then for "/path/to/some/helpers/HelperName" using class name "Your_View_Helper_HelperName", // and finally for "Zend/View/Helper/HelperName.php" using class name "Zend_View_Helper_HelperName". ?>
Writing custom helpers is easy; just follow these rules:
The class name must, at the very minimum, end with the helper
name itself, using CamelCaps. E.g., if you were writing a
helper called "specialPurpose", the class name would minimally
need to be "SpecialPurpose". You may, and should, give the class
name a prefix, and it is recommended that you use 'View_Helper'
as part of that prefix: "My_View_Helper_SpecialPurpose". (You
will need to pass in the prefix, with or without the trailing
underscore, to addHelperPath()
The class must have a public method that matches the helper name; this is the method that will be called when your template calls "$this->specialPurpose()". In our "specialPurpose" helper example, the required method declaration would be "public function specialPurpose()".
In general, the class should not echo or print or otherwise generate output. Instead, it should return values to be printed or echoed. The returned values should be escaped appropriately.
The class must be in a file named after the helper class. Again using our "specialPurpose" helper example, the file has to be named "SpecialPurpose.php".
Place the helper class file somewhere in your helper path stack, and
will automatically load, instantiate,
persist, and execute it for you.
Here is an example of our SpecialPurpose
helper code:
<?php class My_View_Helper_SpecialPurpose { protected $_count = 0; public function specialPurpose() { $this->_count++; $output = "I have seen 'The Jerk' {$this->_count} time(s)."; return htmlspecialchars($output); } } ?>
Then in a view script, you can call the SpecialPurpose
helper as many times as you like; it will be instantiated once, and
then it persists for the life of that Zend_View
<?php // remember, in a view script, $this refers to the Zend_View instance. echo $this->specialPurpose(); echo $this->specialPurpose(); echo $this->specialPurpose(); ?>
The output would look something like this:
I have seen 'The Jerk' 1 time(s). I have seen 'The Jerk' 2 time(s). I have seen 'The Jerk' 3 time(s).
Sometimes you will need access to the calling Zend_View
object -- for instance, if you need to use the registered encoding,
or want to render another view script as part of your helper. To get
access to the view object, your helper class should have a
method, like the following:
<?php class My_View_Helper_ScriptPath { public $view; public function setView(Zend_View_Interface $view) { $this->view = $view; } public function scriptPath($script) { return $this->view->getScriptPath($script); } } ?>
If your helper class has a setView()
method, it will be
called when the helper class is first instantiated, and passed the
current view object. It is up to you to persist the object in your
class, as well as determine how it should be accessed.