Zend Framework Beta ---------------------- Thank you for downloading the beta. The files in this archive are released under the Zend Framework license. See LICENSE.txt in this directory for a copy of the license. Please see NEWS.txt in this directory for a high-level list of changes in this release. The beta is not a single release. Check http://framework.zend.com often for updates. A new beta will be built as needed when improvements and bugfixes are made. DOCUMENTATION ------------- Documentation can be found in the /documentation directory: /documentation /api /core /incubator /end-user /core /incubator All documentation is in HTML and can be viewed with your web browser. As with the software itself, the documentation is a beta release and in many areas is not complete. We consider documentation to be a necessary part of any software product, so we are working on it with high priority. ZEND FRAMEWORK CLASSES ---------------------- Zend Framework classes can be found in these directories: /library /incubator/library The /library directory contains files that are working. However, this is a beta release of software in active development. All files in the distribution are nearing stability, but are still subject to change. If you experience problems, please check the TODO files and then submit a report to our issue tracker (see below). The /incubator directory contains recent contributions that may eventually be moved to the /library directory. Changes to their API and class structure are very likely before they move to the core library. These contributions are shown here for your evaluation, so you can see what may be coming in a future release. It is customary for any component to be in the incubator for at least one release before it moves to the core library. Feel free to try incubator technology and discuss its progress on the appropriate mailing list, but please do not submit bugs in the issue tracker against incubator components. Submit bugs only against components in the core library. INSTALLATION ------------ No special installation is required, however the Framework classes require that the /library directory is in your include_path. If you are evaluating components in the incubator, you may also add the /incubator/library to your include path. Also find a /demos directory with some code samples to read and try. SEE ALSO THESE LINKS -------------------- The Zend Framework issue tracker can be found here: http://framework.zend.com/issues You are welcome to subscribe to and participate on the Zend Framework mailing lists. See this web page for a list of mailing lists and instructions to subscribe: http://framework.zend.com/wiki/x/GgE#ZendFrameworkContributor-GettingStarted-ZFMailLists Online documentation for the Zend Framework is presented in a pleasant wiki format here: http://framework.zend.com/wiki/display/ZFDOCDEV/Home