method name description needs login needs signing permissions args (mandatory) args (optional)
flickr.activity.userComments Returns a list of recent activity on photos commented on by the calling user. Do not poll this method more than once an hour. 1 1 1 per_page page
flickr.activity.userPhotos Returns a list of recent activity on photos belonging to the calling user. Do not poll this method more than once an hour. 1 1 1 timeframe per_page page
flickr.auth.checkToken Returns the credentials attached to an authentication token. This call must be signed as specified in the authentication API spec. 0 0 0 auth_token
flickr.auth.getFrob Returns a frob to be used during authentication. This method call must be signed. 0 0 0
flickr.auth.getFullToken Get the full authentication token for a mini-token. This method call must be signed. 0 0 0 mini_token
flickr.auth.getToken Returns the auth token for the given frob, if one has been attached. This method call must be signed. 0 0 0 frob
flickr.blogs.getList Get a list of configured blogs for the calling user. 1 1 1
flickr.blogs.postPhoto 1 1 2 blog_id photo_id title description blog_password
flickr.commons.getInstitutions Retrieves a list of the current Commons institutions. 0 0 0
flickr.contacts.getList Get a list of contacts for the calling user. 1 1 1 filter page per_page
flickr.contacts.getListRecentlyUploaded Return a list of contacts for a user who have recently uploaded photos along with the total count of photos uploaded. 1 1 1 date_lastupload filter
flickr.contacts.getPublicList Get the contact list for a user. 0 0 0 user_id page per_page
flickr.favorites.add Adds a photo to a user's favorites list. 1 1 2 photo_id
flickr.favorites.getList Returns a list of the user's favorite photos. Only photos which the calling user has permission to see are returned. 1 1 1 user_id min_fave_date max_fave_date extras per_page page
flickr.favorites.getPublicList Returns a list of favorite public photos for the given user. 0 0 0 user_id min_fave_date max_fave_date extras per_page page
flickr.favorites.remove Removes a photo from a user's favorites list. 1 1 2 photo_id
flickr.groups.browse Browse the group category tree, finding groups and sub-categories. 1 1 1 cat_id
flickr.groups.getInfo Get information about a group. 0 0 0 group_id lang
flickr.groups.members.getList Get a list of the members of a group. The call must be signed on behalf of a Flickr member, and the ability to see the group membership will be determined by the Flickr member's group privileges. 1 1 1 group_id membertypes per_page page
flickr.groups.pools.add Add a photo to a group's pool. 1 1 2 photo_id group_id
flickr.groups.pools.getContext Returns next and previous photos for a photo in a group pool. 0 0 0 photo_id group_id
flickr.groups.pools.getGroups Returns a list of groups to which you can add photos. 1 1 1 page per_page
flickr.groups.pools.getPhotos Returns a list of pool photos for a given group, based on the permissions of the group and the user logged in (if any). 0 0 0 group_id tags user_id extras per_page page
flickr.groups.pools.remove Remove a photo from a group pool. 1 1 2 photo_id group_id Search for groups. 18+ groups will only be returned for authenticated calls where the authenticated user is over 18. 0 0 0 text per_page page
flickr.interestingness.getList Returns the list of interesting photos for the most recent day or a user-specified date. 0 0 0 date extras per_page page
flickr.machinetags.getNamespaces Return a list of unique namespaces, optionally limited by a given predicate, in alphabetical order. 0 0 0 predicate per_page page
flickr.machinetags.getPairs Return a list of unique namespace and predicate pairs, optionally limited by predicate or namespace, in alphabetical order. 0 0 0 namespace predicate per_page page
flickr.machinetags.getPredicates Return a list of unique predicates, optionally limited by a given namespace. 0 0 0 namespace per_page page
flickr.machinetags.getValues Return a list of unique values for a namespace and predicate. 0 0 0 namespace predicate per_page page
flickr.panda.getList Return a list of Flickr pandas, from whom you can request photos using the flickr.panda.getPhotos API method. 0 0 0
flickr.panda.getPhotos Ask the Flickr Pandas for a list of recent public (and "safe") photos. 0 0 0 panda_name
flickr.people.findByEmail Return a user's NSID, given their email address 0 0 0 find_email
flickr.people.findByUsername Return a user's NSID, given their username. 0 0 0 username
flickr.people.getInfo Get information about a user. 0 0 0 user_id
flickr.people.getPublicGroups Returns the list of public groups a user is a member of. 0 0 0 user_id
flickr.people.getPublicPhotos Get a list of public photos for the given user. 0 0 0 user_id safe_search extras per_page page
flickr.people.getUploadStatus Returns information for the calling user related to photo uploads. 1 1 1 Add tags to a photo. 1 1 2 photo_id tags Add comment to a photo as the currently authenticated user. 1 1 2 photo_id comment_text Delete a comment as the currently authenticated user. 1 1 2 comment_id Edit the text of a comment as the currently authenticated user. 1 1 2 comment_id comment_text Returns the comments for a photo 0 0 0 photo_id min_comment_date max_comment_date Delete a photo from flickr. 1 1 3 photo_id Correct the places hierarchy for all the photos for a user at a given latitude, longitude and accuracy.

Batch corrections are processed in a delayed queue so it may take a few minutes before the changes are reflected in a user's photos.
1 1 2 lat lon accuracy place_id woe_id 1 1 2 photo_id place_id woe_id Get the geo data (latitude and longitude and the accuracy level) for a photo. 0 0 0 photo_id Get permissions for who may view geo data for a photo. 1 1 1 photo_id Return a list of photos for a user at a specific latitude, longitude and accuracy 1 1 1 lat lon accuracy extras per_page page Removes the geo data associated with a photo. 1 1 2 photo_id Indicate the state of a photo's geotagginess beyond latitude and longitude.

Note : photos passed to this method must already be geotagged (using the method).
1 1 2 photo_id context Sets the geo data (latitude and longitude and, optionally, the accuracy level) for a photo. Before users may assign location data to a photo they must define who, by default, may view that information. Users can edit this preference at If a user has not set this preference, the API method will return an error. 1 1 2 photo_id lat lon accuracy context Set the permission for who may view the geo data associated with a photo. 1 1 2 is_public is_contact is_friend is_family photo_id Returns all visible sets and pools the photo belongs to. 0 0 0 photo_id Fetch a list of recent photos from the calling users' contacts. 1 1 1 count just_friends single_photo include_self extras Fetch a list of recent public photos from a users' contacts. 0 0 0 user_id count just_friends single_photo include_self extras Returns next and previous photos for a photo in a photostream. 0 0 0 photo_id Gets a list of photo counts for the given date ranges for the calling user. 1 1 1 dates taken_dates Retrieves a list of EXIF/TIFF/GPS tags for a given photo. The calling user must have permission to view the photo. 0 0 0 photo_id secret Returns the list of people who have favorited a given photo. 0 0 0 photo_id page per_page Get information about a photo. The calling user must have permission to view the photo. 0 0 0 photo_id secret Returns a list of your photos that are not part of any sets. 1 1 1 min_upload_date max_upload_date min_taken_date max_taken_date privacy_filter media extras per_page page Get permissions for a photo. 1 1 1 photo_id Returns a list of the latest public photos uploaded to flickr. 0 0 0 extras per_page page Returns the available sizes for a photo. The calling user must have permission to view the photo. 0 0 0 photo_id Returns a list of your photos with no tags. 1 1 1 min_upload_date max_upload_date min_taken_date max_taken_date privacy_filter media extras per_page page Returns a list of your geo-tagged photos. 1 1 1 min_upload_date max_upload_date min_taken_date max_taken_date privacy_filter sort media extras per_page page Returns a list of your photos which haven't been geo-tagged. 1 1 1 min_upload_date max_upload_date min_taken_date max_taken_date privacy_filter sort media extras per_page page Fetches a list of available photo licenses for Flickr. 0 0 0 Sets the license for a photo. 1 1 2 photo_id license_id Add a note to a photo. Coordinates and sizes are in pixels, based on the 500px image size shown on individual photo pages. 1 1 2 photo_id note_x note_y note_w note_h note_text Delete a note from a photo. 1 1 2 note_id Edit a note on a photo. Coordinates and sizes are in pixels, based on the 500px image size shown on individual photo pages. 1 1 2 note_id note_x note_y note_w note_h note_text

Return a list of your photos that have been recently created or which have been recently modified.

Recently modified may mean that the photo's metadata (title, description, tags) may have been changed or a comment has been added (or just modified somehow :-)

1 1 1 min_date extras per_page page Remove a tag from a photo. 1 1 2 tag_id Return a list of photos matching some criteria. Only photos visible to the calling user will be returned. To return private or semi-private photos, the caller must be authenticated with 'read' permissions, and have permission to view the photos. Unauthenticated calls will only return public photos. 0 0 0 machine_tag_mode user_id tags tag_mode text min_upload_date max_upload_date min_taken_date max_taken_date license sort privacy_filter bbox accuracy safe_search content_type machine_tags group_id contacts woe_id place_id media has_geo geo_context lat lon radius radius_units is_commons extras per_page page Set the content type of a photo. 1 1 2 photo_id content_type Set one or both of the dates for a photo. 1 1 2 photo_id date_posted date_taken date_taken_granularity Set the meta information for a photo. 1 1 2 photo_id title description Set permissions for a photo. 1 1 2 photo_id is_public is_friend is_family perm_comment perm_addmeta Set the safety level of a photo. 1 1 2 photo_id safety_level hidden Set the tags for a photo. 1 1 2 photo_id tags Rotate a photo. 1 1 2 photo_id degrees Checks the status of one or more asynchronous photo upload tickets. 0 0 0 tickets
flickr.photosets.addPhoto Add a photo to the end of an existing photoset. 1 1 2 photoset_id photo_id
flickr.photosets.comments.addComment Add a comment to a photoset. 1 1 2 photoset_id comment_text
flickr.photosets.comments.deleteComment Delete a photoset comment as the currently authenticated user. 1 1 2 comment_id
flickr.photosets.comments.editComment Edit the text of a comment as the currently authenticated user. 1 1 2 comment_id comment_text
flickr.photosets.comments.getList Returns the comments for a photoset. 0 0 0 photoset_id
flickr.photosets.create Create a new photoset for the calling user. 1 1 2 title primary_photo_id description
flickr.photosets.delete Delete a photoset. 1 1 2 photoset_id
flickr.photosets.editMeta Modify the meta-data for a photoset. 1 1 2 photoset_id title description
flickr.photosets.editPhotos Modify the photos in a photoset. Use this method to add, remove and re-order photos. 1 1 2 photoset_id primary_photo_id photo_ids
flickr.photosets.getContext Returns next and previous photos for a photo in a set. 0 0 0 photo_id photoset_id
flickr.photosets.getInfo Gets information about a photoset. 0 0 0 photoset_id
flickr.photosets.getList Returns the photosets belonging to the specified user. 0 0 0 user_id
flickr.photosets.getPhotos Get the list of photos in a set. 0 0 0 photoset_id extras privacy_filter per_page page media
flickr.photosets.orderSets Set the order of photosets for the calling user. 1 1 2 photoset_ids
flickr.photosets.removePhoto Remove a photo from a photoset. 1 1 2 photoset_id photo_id
flickr.places.find Return a list of place IDs for a query string.

The flickr.places.find method is not a geocoder. It will round up to the nearest place type to which place IDs apply. For example, if you pass it a street level address it will return the city that contains the address rather than the street, or building, itself.
0 0 0 query
flickr.places.findByLatLon Return a place ID for a latitude, longitude and accuracy triple.

The flickr.places.findByLatLon method is not meant to be a (reverse) geocoder in the traditional sense. It is designed to allow users to find photos for "places" and will round up to the nearest place type to which corresponding place IDs apply.

For example, if you pass it a street level coordinate it will return the city that contains the point rather than the street, or building, itself.

It will also truncate latitudes and longitudes to three decimal points.
0 0 0 lat lon accuracy
flickr.places.getChildrenWithPhotosPublic Return a list of locations with public photos that are parented by a Where on Earth (WOE) or Places ID. 0 0 0 place_id woe_id
flickr.places.getInfo Get informations about a place. 0 0 0 place_id woe_id
flickr.places.getInfoByUrl Lookup information about a place, by its URL. 0 0 0 url
flickr.places.getPlaceTypes Fetches a list of available place types for Flickr. 0 0 0
flickr.places.getShapeHistory Return an historical list of all the shape data generated for a Places or Where on Earth (WOE) ID. 0 0 0 place_id woe_id
flickr.places.placesForBoundingBox Return all the locations of a matching place type for a bounding box.

The maximum allowable size of a bounding box (the distance between the SW and NE corners) is governed by the place type you are requesting. Allowable sizes are as follows:
  • neighbourhood: 3km (1.8mi)
  • locality: 7km (4.3mi)
  • county: 50km (31mi)
  • region: 200km (124mi)
  • country: 500km (310mi)
  • continent: 1500km (932mi)
0 0 0 bbox place_type place_type_id
flickr.places.placesForContacts Return a list of the top 100 unique places clustered by a given placetype for a user's contacts. 1 1 1 place_type place_type_id woe_id place_id threshold contacts min_upload_date max_upload_date min_taken_date max_taken_date
flickr.places.placesForTags Return a list of the top 100 unique places clustered by a given placetype for set of tags or machine tags. 0 0 0 place_type_id woe_id place_id threshold tags tag_mode machine_tags machine_tag_mode min_upload_date max_upload_date min_taken_date max_taken_date
flickr.places.placesForUser Return a list of the top 100 unique places clustered by a given placetype for a user. 1 1 1 place_type_id place_type woe_id place_id threshold min_upload_date max_upload_date min_taken_date max_taken_date
flickr.places.resolvePlaceId Find Flickr Places information by Place ID.

This method has been deprecated. It won't be removed but you should use flickr.places.getInfo instead.
0 0 0 place_id
flickr.places.resolvePlaceURL Find Flickr Places information by Place URL.

This method has been deprecated. It won't be removed but you should use flickr.places.getInfoByUrl instead.
0 0 0 url
flickr.places.tagsForPlace Return a list of the top 100 unique tags for a Flickr Places or Where on Earth (WOE) ID 0 0 0 woe_id place_id min_upload_date max_upload_date min_taken_date max_taken_date
flickr.prefs.getContentType Returns the default content type preference for the user. 1 1 1
flickr.prefs.getGeoPerms Returns the default privacy level for geographic information attached to the user's photos and whether or not the user has chosen to use geo-related EXIF information to automatically geotag their photos. Possible values, for viewing geotagged photos, are:
  • 0 : No default set
  • 1 : Public
  • 2 : Contacts only
  • 3 : Friends and Family only
  • 4 : Friends only
  • 5 : Family only
  • 6 : Private
Users can edit this preference at

Possible values for whether or not geo-related EXIF information will be used to geotag a photo are:
  • 0: Geo-related EXIF information will be ignored
  • 1: Geo-related EXIF information will be used to try and geotag photos on upload
Users can edit this preference at
1 1 1
flickr.prefs.getHidden Returns the default hidden preference for the user. 1 1 1
flickr.prefs.getPrivacy Returns the default privacy level preference for the user. Possible values are:
  • 1 : Public
  • 2 : Friends only
  • 3 : Family only
  • 4 : Friends and Family
  • 5 : Private
1 1 1
flickr.prefs.getSafetyLevel Returns the default safety level preference for the user. 1 1 1
flickr.reflection.getMethodInfo Returns information for a given flickr API method. 0 0 0 method_name
flickr.reflection.getMethods Returns a list of available flickr API methods. 0 0 0
flickr.tags.getClusterPhotos Returns the first 24 photos for a given tag cluster 0 0 0 tag cluster_id
flickr.tags.getClusters Gives you a list of tag clusters for the given tag. 0 0 0 tag
flickr.tags.getHotList Returns a list of hot tags for the given period. 0 0 0 period count
flickr.tags.getListPhoto Get the tag list for a given photo. 0 0 0 photo_id
flickr.tags.getListUser Get the tag list for a given user (or the currently logged in user). 0 0 0 user_id
flickr.tags.getListUserPopular Get the popular tags for a given user (or the currently logged in user). 0 0 0 user_id count
flickr.tags.getListUserRaw Get the raw versions of a given tag (or all tags) for the currently logged-in user. 0 0 0 tag
flickr.tags.getRelated Returns a list of tags 'related' to the given tag, based on clustered usage analysis. 0 0 0 tag
flickr.test.echo A testing method which echo's all parameters back in the response. 0 0 0
flickr.test.login A testing method which checks if the caller is logged in then returns their username. 1 1 1
flickr.test.null Null test 1 1 1
flickr.urls.getGroup Returns the url to a group's page. 0 0 0 group_id
flickr.urls.getUserPhotos Returns the url to a user's photos. 0 0 0 user_id
flickr.urls.getUserProfile Returns the url to a user's profile. 0 0 0 user_id
flickr.urls.lookupGroup Returns a group NSID, given the url to a group's page or photo pool. 0 0 0 url
flickr.urls.lookupUser Returns a user NSID, given the url to a user's photos or profile. 0 0 0 url